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Friday, January 17, 2014

New Year Catch Up

It has been quite some time since I posted here.  The holidays were very busy and I also caught a couple colds both during and just after the break, so I've been resting (and knitting) a lot.

I spent most of my time finishing up orders and gifts for family and friends, but I found some time to enjoy other hobbies during the holidays and just after the new year as well... Here's a little peek into what I've been up to since Thanksgiving...

 Made my first pair of potholders for my grandparents

Drank a lot of hot cocoa, especially ones with giant marshmallows and brown sugar :)

Made more lussekatt buns for St. Lucia's Day...

...while knitting of course :)

Tried making a gluten free mac and cheese for my roommate

Celebrated 2014!

Ran my second race...with a very slow pace...

...and this was waiting for me at the end :)

Happy 2014! Here's to another fun year!

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