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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Getting My Head Straight

It's been weird lately.  And what I mean to say is that I have felt weird lately.

I can't totally put my finger on it, but there have been many little "life" things going on lately that have felt like they add up to a few big "life" things, and I think I'm not sure how to juggle it all.

Just keep going, I guess.  And knit... I guess.  Today at lunch I felt like I just needed some alone time to myself and really wanted to knit and think, so I went to a nearby coffee shop and sat down with my needles and yarn and just kept going.

To anyone reading this, what do you do when you feel a little off? 

Hope everyone's having a great summer!


  1. Hi Kirsten! Whenever I am feeling low I allow myself to feel completely defeated. It is OK to waller in your own misery for a bit in order to move forward. If I am not feeling too depressed or unmotivated during a low ;) I usually resort to a creative outlet (like knitting) to switch my focus. Once I have completed that creative duty I feel accomplished and happy…and what's even more reassuring is that not everyone has that special creative talent of yours! Everyone has their low points and know that there is always a new day ahead where you can re-invent yourself! Happy feeling and knitting! XO

  2. Thanks Kelly! Yep, knitting definitely helps when you need a distraction (or accomplishment!)
